Orbital Scout Pilot


Voyager Pathfinder


Frontier Protector

We are the RGB (Recon β€’ Guard β€’ Blitz) Protogens, a trio of explorers that specialize in combat missions and celestial expeditions.




PRISM is a very shy, stuttery curious small Protobean and gets very unstable when it comes to feelings and emotional discussions. He does love vibing with love music though.

Color reference

Fur 1#20202032, 32, 32
Fur 2#FAFAFA250, 250, 250
Visor#18181824, 24, 24
Light#FF3200255, 255, 255
Armor 1#FAFAFA250, 250, 250
Armor 2#B4B4B4180, 180, 180
Armor 3#7A7A7A120, 120, 120

PRISM is an official Rare Protogen on ZOR obtained via Rare MYO banner-making contests for the Discord server.
Character listing on the RARE Protogen Masterlist.


🚧 Work In Progress 🚧

W.I.P. LAST UPDATED: 2023-10-12

RARE PROTOGEN TRAITS3 sets of Ears: Able to detect oncoming sound and vibration queues three times more effective than normal protogens, thus predicting incoming threats and dodging more precisely.Complex Nanites: The experimental ability to manipulate & stabilize nanites to perfectly co-exist with Arcai running through Prism’s augmentations.

ARCAI PRACTICEHealing: Armor and equipment to overcharge boost a specific unit and or temporary fix items, equipments & heal wounds at a cost of Arcai loss depending on spent energy.Technopathy: Overcharging can cause uncontrolled release that may harm Prism. Depleting Arcai would render Prism weaker as he relies on all three components being Arcai, Nanites, & organic nutrition to be effective both in and out of combat. It is required that he be equipped with extra Arcai batteries at all times for safety and emergency measures.


🚧 Work In Progress 🚧



NEXIE is a shy, heart-warming sweet Protogen, though his mood is unstable due to this past. He loves tinkering tech, researching and peaceful calm music.

Color reference

Fur 1#FAFAFA250, 250, 250
Fur 2#6E5A78100, 90, 120
Visor#18181824, 24, 24
Light 1#32FA3250, 255, 50
Light 2#FFF000255, 240, 255
Armor 1#AFAFAF175, 175, 175
Armor 2#6E6E6E110, 110, 110
Armor 3#3C3C3C60, 60, 60

NEXIE is a canon designed Uncommon Protogen on ZOR.


🚧 Work In Progress 🚧


🚧 Work In Progress 🚧



AZION is a quiet, focused and adventurous Protogen. He wants to protect the things he cares about and fight on what he believes in. But he can be reckless at times. He loves exploring and seeing the world.

Color reference

Fur 1#20202032, 32, 32
Fur 2#FAFAFA250, 250, 250
Visor#18181824, 24, 24
Light 1#0096FF0, 150, 255
Light 2#00E1FF0, 225, 255
Armor 1#FAFAFA250, 250, 250
Armor 2#646464100, 100, 100
Armor 3#20202032, 32, 32

AZION is an official Rare Protogen on ZOR obtained via Rare MYO.
Character listing on the RARE Protogen Masterlist.




AZION original designation AZ-10n, was a Common Protogen created at the 13th Cycle of ZOR(Zenith's Outer Reach), by the Nehixim Primogenitors as part of the ongoing PROJECT ARC(Artificial Remote Control) on ESMIRE 4. He's trained to be a military drone and has undergone intense experimentation and simulations.AZ-10n was tasked with finding and securing Arcaite crystals for the Nehixim, he was sent to multiple skrimishes, barely making it. Each time the cargo and surviving drones are recovered, they are further subjected to confined simulations, experimentation, and mutations. He became an Uncommon Protogen because of this, and with exposure to Arcaite he slowly developed his own consciousness.He continued his missions because it was the only thing he believed in and didn't know any better. He started to have a distaste for his creators after he witnessed a lot of deaths and atrocities his faction committed.On one particular mission while extracting Arcaite crystals outside of ESMIRE 4, there was a skrimish; he was battered along with his squad, abandoned, and left for dead by the Nehixim as they were deemed disposable.AZ-10n was on the brink of death but was later discovered by the Syantica faction, who reached out to him and recovered his memories. Due to his nanites being rendered unstable, the Syantics Primagens decided to save him. He was moved to one of ESMIRE 4's moons called E1, which is the home capitol for Protogen species.Seeing the life on E1 with the co-existence of Primagenetors and Protogens in Syntika. He found himself a new purpose and chance to redeem himself; he lets them experiment with his instability to learn more about the Arcaite. In doing so, this made him a Rare Protogen. With his complex nanites co-existing with Arcaite instabilities, mainly the elemental Astral-flame inside of him. This gives him the ability to convert his nanites to other substances to make reactions that he can manifest in his body and internally that he can discharge. As a by product and addition, he can vent it out by deploying his Astral-flame wings for full on flight.With his newfound freedom, abilities, and purpose, he renamed himself AZION, keeping his old designation in memory of those who he lost, and he assigned himself the role of Frontier Protector for Syntika's expeditions, with the aim of learning more about the universe and the liberation of the Protogens.

⚠️ Our characters are not for sale and are not free to use. ⚠️

Fan-arts are more than welcome, as long as it is SFW and not offensive.Please be sure to credit and tag the owner of the character. Also importantly, kindly sign your artwork. We'd be happy to feature your work on our Art Gallery page.Thank you! β€οΈπŸ’šπŸ’™

Reference sheets by

Protogen species by


βš οΈβ¬‡ NOTICE β¬‡βš οΈ

THIS IS AN UNOFFICIAL PROTOGEN LORE PAGE!I've compiled the documents and made this page so our visitors can learn about the Protogen species, all in one page. -thanshuhaiThis page covers the canon history, anatomy and ability of the Protogen species. Further on this page you can find the Creator's Guide, Protogen Trait List, Protogen FAQ, The Fundamentals of Arcai and RARE Proto-Prima Master List. I also added some extra media and links that is available to us.All the information below belong to CoolKoinu and they were copied from the official hubs and sources provided.

SOURCE: - Zenith's Outer Reach Guide

Page Navigation

Zenith's outer reach - protogen lore

What is a Protogen?

Pronunciation: /'prautǝu dzen/ | 'Prow-toe-jen'Protogens are a cyborg Alien species that are found in Zenith's Outer Reach (ZOR), a mammalian based creature created artificially for space & planetary exploration. Protogens vary depending on the 'DNA infusion' levels allowing Protogens to have an array of features & functions to help serve their purpose.Core features of a Protogen include a visor display face, artificial chest & hip region, biological ears and a mix of artificial/Biological limbs. These are the most distinguishable features to identify a Protogen.

DNA Origin & Species History

The production and creation of Protogens started in the 12th Cycle of ZOR. The Primogenitors wanted to create a sentient modular being with the ability to learn and adapt to the universe, without the constant upkeep needed for artificial life. At the time Al while being very efficient, struggled to learn and adapt to a forever changing world and would conclude biological life to be inefficient. Scientists turned to biological and cybernetic fusion as the alternative.The DNA of Protogens originates from a Synapsid species located within the Reddus Nebula. The specifics of this species have been classified by Primogenitor scientists, but available extracts of research show that these creatures were adaptable to most environments. This makes them the most optimal choice for space & planetary exploration. Once the ideal DNA was acquired, Primogenitor scientists worked on 'PROJECT ARC'; ARC- Artificial Remote Control. Scientists infused microcrystalline 'Arcaites' in the cerebral fluid of the Protogen, allowing total mind control over the specimen. This allowed Primogenitors total domination and control over the new species and halted the Al uprisings.By the beginning of the 13th Cycle of ZOR, Protogen production had increased as a demand for manual labor and military use peaked. Protogen's were very efficient in filling these drone like roles as the Arcaites kept them in a subservient state, dubbing them the worker bee of the galaxy. They were treated very similar to Al as the stigma around their artificial creation and lack of free will gave them no individual rights. This unfortunately resulted in many Protogen's being abandoned or destroyed after their purpose was served.Protogen that were further developed with complex features were often subjected to Arcaite instabilities. These experiments were to create a more elite class of Protogen with even more functionality. The additions of multiple limbs, flight functions and complex mutations often overloaded control system causing the Arcaites to short out early on after complete development. This resulted in the Protogen overruling their subservient behavior, becoming uncontrollable and dangerous to their masters. These elite class Protogen (RARES) were considered the rarest of the species as their additional features and mutations made them more powerful than most Protogen.During this Cycle it was observed that some abandoned Protogen had started small colonies on one of the moons of ESMIRE 4. These communities had very little resources and were seen as harmless to the Primogenitors. In secret the fugitive Elites (RARES) had begun to develop skills in Arcai; an ancient dimensional power that allows energy manipulation and magical kinetic abilities. This allowed Protogens to nullify the infused Arcaites and reach a state of free consciousness. Harnessing this power had led to many Arcaite instabilities which were previously observed only in RARES and ultimately a rebellion movement formed.The Protogen rebellion lead to a segregation within the Primogenitor race. Some considered the experiment and creation a complete failure while, others commended the advancement of a functional artificially created species. The separation gave birth to two factions the Syantika & Nehixim. The Syantika wish for a peaceful coexistence with their creation, while Nehixim wish to reconfigure or terminate the remaining 'defective' Protogen.While the turbulence between the two main factions of Primogenitor's (Syantika and Nehixim Advancers) continues, Protogens have created their own society on one of ESMIRE 4's moons. The moon known as E1 was terraformed and became the home capitol for the Protogen species. Protogens have been able to freely live and thrive on the moon, allowing them to continue to master and study Arcai. Mutual agreements made between the Protogen and the Primogenitors have allowed a semi-peaceful symbiotic relationship. ESMIRE 4 still holds control of all Protogen production and continues to improve PROJECT ARC.

General Core Features / Make up of Protogens

- Short Round Edge Visor- 40% Artificial (Biomechanical)
- Biological Ears- Upright Position / Bipedal
- Protective Chest Plate (Exoskeleton)- Mammal Behaviorism
- Particle Visor (Open/Closes)- Active Digestive tract
- Biomechanical Modular Limbs- Cheek accent plate with ridge

Age Weight & Height Averages

Since Protogen are able to continuously upgrade parts there is no particular age limit, the limiting factor will be the Protogen's ability to access the necessary upgrades in order to continue function. Organ transplant and artificial procedures can help a Protogen to continue to operate at fully functional capacity. Failure to replace old organic or mechanical parts may cause the Protogen to lose function, or worst case scenario, death.
The standard species height for Protogens is 120 - 180 cm (Roughly 4 to 6 ft) with a weight range of 40 kg to 200 kg (88 oz to 440 oz). Weight will vary on biological make-up.
Some models were also made in extremely unusual sizes. This included a model range known as 'Micro-gens' and 'Colossal Protogens'. These elite models allowed Protogens to range from 10cm tall to 10m. These size specifics made it hard to balance the right amount of ARC Nanites and thus these models faced many Nanite instabilities.

Colossal Protogen - 200 cm and above | Microgen - 90 cm and below


The visor on a Protogen is made out of millions of small particles known as 'nanites'. These nanites act as a shield/barrier between the outside world and the internals of the Protogen's visor. Nanites are able to move freely and reassemble their position, this allows a Protogen to open and close their mouth. When eating, a gap between the face and esophagus is made to allow nutrients to be digested.The visor itself cannot be removed as the internal barrier is holding essential blood & fluid. If cracked or damaged, the visor will have an almost immune system-like response and cluster to protect the internal barrier. Protogens may lose nanites through blunt force trauma, this may lead to cracks and gaps in the outer shell layer, but the internal layer will always be protected. If the internal layer of nanites is compromised, then it will usually lead to permanent damage and eventually death.Vision is artificially enhanced by the visor allowing the Protogen to have visual display overlays, thermal and other alternative optical abilities. The visor also allows scents to penetrate through a special set of Nanite receptors which carry the information to the brain. Nanites are not bound to any particular coloration or density, only that they have an outer and internal set to form proper functionality.
As a greater precaution and an optical upgrade, some Protogens have been fitted with an additional flip down visor, which adds an extra layer of protection and functionality. This add-on is removable and completely optional.

'Plug & Play' Limb System

The mechanical chest and lower torso of a Protogen allows the limbs to work in an adapter like fashion. This is the plug and play limb system. Limbs attach to the socket area with special magnetic nanites, these particles allow a solid connection as well as transmitting neural data between the limb and brain of the Protogen. Protogen are able to remove and join new, or alternative limbs, to the main body. This also allows the Protogen to easily remove a critically damaged part, or change a part to better suit the current environment.Standard limb count is: 2 arms, 2 legs and 1 tail.This allows the Protogen to fit the most desired function. Primogenitor researchers found Arcaite instability issues when more limbs, or complex systems such as flight, were introduced. This put heavy restrictions on the production of complex models as they served a higher chance of becoming rogue.

Nanite functionality

Nanites play a large role in Protogen functionality. Many different types of nanites have been modified to serve particular roles and purposes in the bodily function of Protogen. The two main functions that nanites serve in all Protogen is visor (functional and protective layers) and limb connectivity.

  • Nanites range in size from 20,000 to 100,000 nanometers (Note individually visible with the naked eye) Their name comes from the size range they sit within.

  • Nanites can be replenished/replace if damaged.

  • Allow nutrient and nerve information to be transferred between the body and limb (through plug and play) / blood, nerve control, etc.

  • Magnetic nanites hold limbs in place.

  • Nanites also allow control on bodily hormones and chemicals allowing the physical state to cope under various conditions. (Adrenaline boost, serotonin under injury etc)

Some Protogen are also capable of complex nanite functionality, a feature only found in RARE Protogen. Some of these abilities include the ability to mass manipulate nanites into physical shields, barriers, and even as far as 'duplicate self' consisting purely of nanites. There is little Primogenitor research on these complex features as they are very uncommon occurrences.

Growth Process

All Protogens are created within the production facilities located on ESMIRE 4. Protogen are artificially inseminated under lab conditions and grown in artificial tank systems that simulate womb like conditions. The growth process takes a total of 21 days on average and an additional 14 days of artificial synchronization and training.

Each Protogen's DNA has been altered and configured to specific requirements. This allows the Protogen to grow to the exact form that is needed. Once optimal size and full development has been complete, artificial transplants and treatments add all cybernetic enhancements required. The Protogen is also placed in a specialized med pod called a 'Synch Pod' allowing time for the artificial and biological parts to merge. All of this is done before the Protogen is 'born', or has experienced conscious reality.Once they are physically complete, the last stage is brain monitoring and data imprinting. Protogens are administered a direct neural input of basic functionality, purpose, and training. This data impression allows the Protogen to be fully functional at the time of first awakening. Arcaite levels and functionality is monitored and adjusted over the remaining training days.Protogens are then put through training programs in VR chambers to further enhance their physical and mental capabilities. Upon full completion, and if the Protogen has shown adequate Arcaite synchronization, the Protogen is transported from the production facility.

DNA Infusion, Rarity Classes & Traits

What is DNA Infusion?
DNA Infusion allows Protogens to grow in a variety of different aesthetics and functions. Infusion is what makes each Protogen an individual. However, the level and complexity of infusion will raise or lower the rarity of the protogen. These traits are broken into 3 different categories: Common, Uncommon, and Rare. The purpose of the rarity system is to help hold a species standard, and what features apply to Protogens.
Common Traits are features and aesthetics that all base Protogens have access to. Common Protogen have the least amount of DNA Infusion and are seen as the species standard. Common Protogens are generally subordinate to their Creators as their disposition and nature has been made to fit the needs of Primogenitors.
Uncommon traits are features and aesthetics that are more complex but are still accessible to all. DNA Infusion level sits as high as 50%, allowing half of the Protogen's genetic data to be altered with varying species. Uncommon Protogen are more free-willed and are more likely to rebel against their Creators.
Rare traits are features and aesthetics that are extremely complex or do not fit within the species standards. The DNA Infusion rate is generally 50% or higher, allowing the Protogen to access non-conventional features such as full flight, multiple limb sockets, and complex nanite functions. Rare Protogens are very few in number as Primogenitors experienced numerous rebellious attributes and nanite instabilities in Protogens once the infusion level reached 50%.
Rare Traits are not publicly accessible, but can be purchased in a few different ways (i.e. community events, adoptables, custom slots, MYO Submission forms, etc). The purpose of this restriction is to uphold the species standard design and lore, but still allowing the option to obtain these very unique features.

Roles / Professions / Purpose

Protogens are created to fit a wide variety of purposes, from companionship to professional occupations. They are custom fit to their purpose. Many common occupations for Protogens include:

  • Medical Response / Assistant

  • Defense / Combat

  • Researcher / Scientist

  • Security / Data Miner

  • Construction

  • Arcai Technician

  • Pilot / Vehicle Operator

Protogens are also found outside these fields, including no particular function, purpose, or assignment.

Technical Issues / Viruses / Growth Defects

Technical issues
Both cyborg variants have been known to show occasional technical issues. These include, but are not limited to: power conversion failure, radiation damage from extreme conditions, 'Jumpy robab syndrome' or JRS, and cosmic dust build up. Protogen visors are also prone to losing nanites from blunt force or extreme magnetism resulting in cracked visors. Limb loss is uncommon, but does not fully debilitate the Protogen as replacements are an accessible option.
JRS - This is a rare condition where the internal nanite cells fall into an on/off loop for a short period of time. This causes the whole system to shut down and restart rapidly causing the Protogen to 'jump' or jolt around momentarily. This (surprisingly) does not cause much harm to the Protogen, but can be dangerous to individuals within close proximity. The correct term for JRS is actually known as Nanite Restart Syndrome but 'Jumpy robab' became a more common nickname to match the visual associated.Viruses & Hacks
Viruses and hacking have lessened since the production of Primagen units. Their signals run on a variety of complex frequencies, which are invisible to most foreign interceptors. Virus symptoms and signs include (but are not limited to) uncontrollable or violent glitching, internal electrical blackouts, or limb incompatibility.
Growth Defects
Due to the heavy observation of growth conditions and the meticulous process of selecting high quality genes, growth defects are quite rare. Occasionally small gene deficiencies and defects slip through the carefully monitored system, as they do not affect the function of the Protogen directly. These can include, but are not limited to:

  • Coat length inconsistencies (Patchy fur, long fur, short fur)

  • Abnormal toe/finger count (Lengths / shapes/make-up)

  • Ear abnormalities (Missing structure/ Missing Scapha)

  • Muscle hypertrophy / Muscular hypoplasia (Irregular Muscle Mass)

Lore of the Protogens

Here's a great video by Raeal The Protogen, going in depths explaining the lore of the Protogens.

Creator's Guide

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Page Navigation

Primagen & Protogen Comparison Chart

IMAGE SOURCE: Primagen & Protogen Comparison Chart

Primagen are a closed species. You may not make your own, nor may you create a species that directly rips off the closed species.Protogen are a semi-open species. RARE PROTOGEN ARE CLOSED


Before creating your own Protogen, please make sure to read the guides available to ensure your design fits within the species general appearance. Fictional Species in the Art & Furry Fandom are founded by their unique design, characteristics, and lore. Which is why a comprehensive guide has been made for those interested in the beings & creatures within ZOR. There is also an FAQ located further down on this page.Protogens are free to make for recreational use or adoptable character sale!
If you have an existing character, you are free to make a Protogen form, or an entirely new character from scratch! Both pay-to-use & free line-art bases are available within the community for those less confident with art. Alternatively, you can commission an artist of your choosing for a reference sheet. You are also able to sell/trade Protogens to other community members.
What is the minimum requirements for a Protogen?
The minimum requirements for a Protogen are: the visor display face, artificial chest & hip region, biological ears, and a mix of artificial/biological limbs. To be classed as a Protogen, the design must contain these core features to be identified as a part of the species. Please make sure to check all the information available on this page!
A couple of things to remember when creating your Protogen:

  • Does the design meet the species standard?

  • Purpose (What purpose does your Protogen serve? It can be purely recreational!)

  • Rarity Traits (What kind of traits do you have? Only rare traits are restricted from free use.)

  • Remember to have fun, don't be afraid to ask questions, and think outside the box!

Up to the Artist / Protogen Owner

Your design is purely up to you, so long as it still fits within the species general appearance and guidelines. So please feel free to play around with armor shapes, biological limits, and accessories to the fullest! For some ideas, what are your favorite environments? Consider basing your Protogen's traits on what would be needed to survive in that terrain!You are also free to add additional equipment, clothes, accessories, etc..Outside of the design, you are also free to give your Protogen its own personality & story. Your Protogen is able to exist in its own crafted universe or existing one and does not have to follow ZOR lore.Some more things besides design that are totally up to the artist/owner include:

  • Backstory/Character story / Personality & characteristics

  • Age/Gender/Name / Feature or function details

Aesthetic Variants / Examples

Visor Shapes

Protogen have a short visor usually with rounded edges. Here are some standard examples of visors:
Visors can deviate slightly from the main shapes below (more/less curve on edges etc.) Only off-limit aesthetic being the longer Primagen shape and surrounding armor.


Horn / Spikes

Protogens can have horns of almost any shape and size, this is considered an uncommon and above trait. Protogens can also have spikes anywhere on the body as well as some small floating hard light kind. There is no specific limit or count for spikes/horns.
The only RARE feature is floating Horns (Solid or hard light). This is a very sacred symbol of high Arcai power and is a restricted feature to coincide with ZOR lore.

HORN RARE TRAITS - Floating Horns (Solid or Hard light)

Ear examples

Ears can be a variety of different shapes and sizes. There is only one limitation and that is the ears need to be biological. Common Protogen are allowed up to one set of ears, Uncommon can have up to two sets. They do not need to be furred and can have a variety of accessories. Here are a few examples:
Ears can vary outside the designs below, these are only a few examples. The only limits are mechanical ears (Primagen only) & 3 ear sets for Rares.

EAR RARE TRAITS - 3 ears per side

Tail Examples

Tails can have a large range of shape / size & function. Please be creative as possible, you can have as little or as much mechanical parts for your tail. Here are some examples:
Tails can vary outside the designs below, this is only a few examples. Common & uncommon Protogen are limited to 1 tail present on the design, but are allowed to swap out to an infinite amount of designs with the 'plug & play' system.

TAIL RARE TRAITS - Multiple tails (More than 1)

Armor Shapes / Requirements

Armor shapes can be any practical shape. Extra armor such as 'flip down visors', gauntlets, Arm plates, leg/feet gear, tail armor is all optional. Protogens only require the minimum armor below:

  • Chest Plate (Any Shape)

  • Groin Plate (Any Shape)

  • Thigh Plates (Any Shape)

Cheek Plate and shoulder plates are optional, but is highly recommended as its a very defining feature of the species. Alternatives for screens can be an sort of plate or 'accent' on the cheek. Removal of the chest, groin or thigh plate is considered non-canon.

Some mechanical combinations are restricted to RARE such Head+ Chest Panel combination. The only feature that is totally restricted from Protogen, regardless of rarity, is the Primagen leg design (also referred to as mechanical raptor design) This is because it is a Primagen only feature.
The limbs below are fully mechanical parts that are allowed:

  • Arms (Set or Singular) - Any Design

  • Tail (Singular) - Any Design

  • Leg (Set or Singular) - Only Primagen Design restricted

  • Combination (Arm + Leg) - Only Primagen Design restricted (Leg)

Singular chest & head panels can be applied to any rarity
Combination of both is considered a RARE Trait (Primagen like feature)

ARMOR RARE TRAITS - Head + Chest Panel combination | Full Mechanical Legs (Primagen like features)

Hand / Feet Examples + Limb Restriction + Additional Mechanics

Protogens can have a variety of hand/feet shapes & sizes. The most common hand shape is a clawed paw of 4 to 5 digits, but this is only the species standard. Protogens have 2 arms, 2 legs, and 1 tail as standard. Any more limbs is considered a Rare Trait. Protogens can have either mechanical, biological, or holographic/hard light hands and feet. Both arms or legs can be of either make up. (All limbs can be fully biological, artificial, or a mix)Protogen can also have some additional mechanical extras such as a small set of mechanical 'Helper' arms/hands, tool backpacks, or weapon extensions fitted to the back/arms/legs. These are available at any rarity level.The arms and limbs can be 'floating' or not completely joint to the body, this is an uncommon & above trait (hard light/holographic limbs qualify as 'floating limbs").
Hands/Feet can vary outside the designs below, this is only a few examples. Only limits are Raptor-like feet/ mechanical leg combination. (Primagen Feature)
Note: Explanation for limbs and drone control will be added on a later date.

Example of some hand types (no design restrictions)

Example of some feet designs (related restriction - Primagen foot/leg design)

HAND/FEET & LIMB RARE TRAITS - Multiple limbs (More than 2)

Small Non Function Wings & Jet-pack Propulsion

Small non-functional (or decorative) wings are permitted for common & uncommon Protogens. This also includes 'gliding' aids such as a membrane like attachment from the arm to the body. Jetpack propulsion is permitted, but is also limited to short function use & size restrictions. Small decorative/chibi wings must be no larger than the torso of a Protogen.Full Functional Wings (FF Wings) and multiple wing sets are Rare traits. They can have a wide variety of designs from 'hard light' materials to biological. These wings are medium to large sized for realistic functionality.

WING RARE TRAITS - Full Functional sized wings + Multiple wing sets


Protogens have a few limitations that restrict some features from being used within the species, this would include:

  • Quadrupedal structure/feral (Non Canon Design)

  • Multiple heads or multiple torsos

  • Lack of Limbs entirely (Singular missing or artificial replacements are okay)

  • Primagen Features (Refer to Primagen species guide)

  • Removal of chest plate / groin plate (Non Canon Design)

  • Tail Mouths / Mouth Bellies (Does not incorporate into species functionality)

We have moved some of these features to non-canon use but generally these features are not compatible with the species or diverts heavily away from intended design and function.

Protogen Reference Base

SOURCE: ZOR Discord Server -official-bases channel

This base includes a FREE option! Please make the value $0 unless you would like to pay a desired amount! Thank you!~This base set includes 14 variations for a standard Protogen reference + Face view + Solo panel view!
Below you can find all the details for this base, please make sure to read the rules before downloading!
V1 - Standard
V2 - Paws
V3 - 2 ear set
V4 - Small tail
V5 - Long tail
V6 - Curvy tail
V7 - Thin tail
V8 - Aquatic type
V9 - Avian type
V10 - Draconic type
V11 - Long horns
V12 - Aero type
V13 - Rodent type
V14 - Equine type
β˜… This base can be used for personal or commercial use (Adoptables / re-colour commissions)
β˜… Please Do not redistribute the base/PSD or resell the base.
β˜… You are free to add/ change / remove features of the character to resemble desired look.
β˜… Do not erase the watermark if possible / please leave credit if removed.
β˜… Please do not change the species of this base thank you!
A PSD copy is available with ALL variations and reference assets! (1 psd copy / all assets)
Transparent PNG copies of each version are also included! (14 png. copies)
BRUSH: Standard Pen tool 10px (Paint tool SAI / Settings screenshot included)

Protogen Traits

βš οΈβ¬‡ NOTICE β¬‡βš οΈ


Page Navigation

Protogen Trait List

Visor face display. Cheek-plate/accent optional but recommended.
Required Armor
Torso plate, groin, hip plate and mechanical thighs (Thick or slim)(Rib cage must be covered/protected.)
Required Limbs
At least 3 limbs (One can be completely missing) - Replacements ok! Artificial/biological
Any of the Common / Uncommon features

IMAGE SOURCE: The Protogen Required Trait!

Visor Shape
(Generally short - rounded or boxed but can be outside normal shape)
Double set of ears
(Biological in nature)
Triple set of ears
(Biological in nature)
Visor Cracks / Body Defects / Replacement limbsHorns / Spikes / Spines
(Fixed Attached / Anywhere on the body head)
Floating / detached horns
(Head horns only! Body spikes / spines can be detached)
Singular set of ears
(Biological in nature - any shape / size) (Missing ears ok!)
Floating Limbs
(Hands / arms / legs - Material any) (Head attached)
Additional limbs
(Arms or legs /taur - Fixed or floating - Shape / Type / Material any)
Outer visor armor / cheek panel
(Any shape - β€˜fin’ optional)
Head Appendages
(Antenne, tusks, visor spikes or horns)
Additional / Multiple tails
(Shape / Type / Material any)
Back Plates / Midsection plates or additional armor
(Additional coverings on the body)
Internal mechanical enhancements
(storage / specific internal matter converters)
Full Functioning Wings / Flight
(Ability to fly - wings larger than torso, no limit on sets / material any)
Singular Tail
(Shape / Type / Material any)
Transparent / Glass mechanical parts
(Partial parts - needs to be anatomically correct underneath - Glass panels on thighs / cheeks / arms ok!)
Multiple heads
(Additional heads - holographic or biological)
(Fixed attached - Shape / Type / Material any)
Non-functional / Decorative small wings
(No larger than span of torso - material any)
Complex Nanite functionality
(The ability to mass manipulate nanites and produce additional nanites for external uses or the ability to convert nanites to another substance)
(Fixed attached - Shape / Type / Material any)
Avian Traits
(Bird like features - Feet / beak visor / β€˜wing’ like hands - not functional for flight)
Head + Chest Screen Panel Combination
Mammalian Traits
(Varied - paws, fur, skin, warm-blooded animal organs & appendages)
Reptilian / Draconic Traits
(Dragon and reptile features, scaly or smooth skinned)
Floating Head
Aquatic Traits
(Varied - Gills / fins /swimming organs & appendages)
Insect / invertebrate Traits
(Insect or invertebrates features - octopus, bugs, shrimp, worms etc) These traits may include no ears.
Floating Torso
Mechanical replacement limbs
(Arms and legs can be replaced with mechanical limbs)
Complex Mouth functionality
(Split jaws, prehensile tongue etc)
(Standard canon height range /120 - 180 cm (Roughly 4 to 6 ft) | Weight range of 40 kg to 200 kg (88 oz to 440 oz). Weight will vary on biological make-up.)
Helper /weapon attachments
(Additional external weapon attachments of significant size or very small β€˜helper’ hands/ arms no larger than half the size of regular proportioned arms)
Transparent skin
(Anywhere on the body - needs to be anatomically correct underneath)
Additional Singular chest or singular head panel
(Not a combination of the two)
-Nebulous or Elemental Traits
(Arcai - fire / earth / water etc)
-Holographic or hard light features
(Limbs / decorative wings / claws etc)
-Size - Microgen / Colossal Protogen
(Colossal Protogen - 200 cm and above Microgen - 90 cm and below)
-Jetpacks / Gliding tools & Gliding membranes
Not full functional flight. (Mostly for aesthetic)

IMAGE SOURCE: Protogen RARE Traits!

Feral or quadruped Protogen
(On all fours)
Primagen Traits
(Artificial ears, raptor feet / mechanical leg combo, no chest or groin plating - very specific design)
Removal of the chest or groin plateLack of limbs entirely
(Would render Protogen useless)
Biological legs (full)Lack of head
Comprised of inanimate material
(Made entirely of of food, plush / toy, sludge, etc - anything not normal biological matter)
Mixed fandom species
(Hybrids of existing fandom species - Wickerbeasts, Avali, Sergal, Manokit for example)
Tail Mouths / Belly Mouths
( Or limbs that are a separate entity)
Zombie / Undead
(Not alive - this does not include β€˜necromancer’ arcai abilities which is canon)
Mermaid / Naga / Snake like lower half-
Extremely unrealistic sized Protogen
Cell / germ sized | Planet / galaxy sized, anything unrealistic (Extreme macro / micro etc)

Why are some features not on this list?
Most features that are relevant to the species have been covered, as we design and create more unique designs we may come across more features that can be added! We have slowly shifted some RARE features to uncommon to broaden feature use as well as moving many restricted features to non-canon! We also do not want to claim all traits / aesthetics / features as we want other species to also have their own unique look and feel to them! By allowing some features to be restricted they can then be used to create new and different species within the fandom!
I have a feature / trait which is not listed above, who do I contact?
Contact one of our moderation team members for help / further clarification! You can find them within our official hubs (Discord / Facebook / Amino etc).
What are RARE traits and why are they not freely available?
RARE traits are features that are meant to be scarce in nature within the canon universe, usually only seen on very powerful beings that are few and far between. Some of these traits also really break away from the original design / intention and purpose of the species so instead of restricting them entirely we have made them into purchasable upgrades and community rewards /raffles. With our community events we strive to work with members to help create their ideal character as well as giving each RARE a permanent public feature on our species website!~
You may have noticed the term β€˜canon / non-canon’ being thrown around in the community, but what does it mean?
Canon Protogen are basically designs that are deemed canonically correct and make sense / fit within the ZOR universe. As many members are interested in following the canonical universe and story we have split some features and traits up to better define what is true to the lore and what isn't. You are always free to use non-canon features but we will not be able to accept art of those designs within our hubs as they veer from the intended Protogen design.
Both canon and non-canon are still required to abide by our restricted features (Both RARE traits and Primagen traits) but non-canon designs do get access to more features outside of our trait lists.We do allow discussion of canon / non-canon stories in the hubs as this does not usually impact the visual integrity of the species’ aesthetics. Our focus on hubs is making sure the designs fit within anatomical standards, your unique backstory and use of Protogen in your universe is totally up to you!Why are fandom species’ hybrids restricted?
This is deemed restricted use as fandom made species communities have their own individual rulesets and requirements that make up their species. Some species may have conflicting traits / features which are not allowed. These hybrids may cause overlaps in species identification and thus we do not encourage merging other fandom based species with Protogen.


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This FAQ section covers all Protogen related topics, if you have a question that is not covered in the list please go to our community page for the link!What is an open species? Why are Protogens an open species?
Open species are unique fictional species that have been created by independent artists. The term 'open' refers to the ability of public use and access, meaning the species can be freely created and used. While publicly available, these species still usually follow a set of anatomical rules and lore that help it be identifiable, much like animals in real life. Protogens are an open species to allow free creation of creatures from ZOR, allowing people to make their own stories and characters based in/off the universe.
Can I make my own Protogen?
Yes you are able to make your very own Protogen! Common & uncommon Protogen have no restrictions on the amount you can own. Please just make sure to follow the creation guide!
Individual owners can own up to a maximum of 8 individual RARE designs to discourage character hoarding.
Can I feature Protogens in my artwork, story, book, game, product, etc.?
Public use / features of Protogens in artwork, media, books, games etc is fine with no royalties or specific permission required. A royalty would only be arranged if the works by Cool Koinu are being resold/used for profit. Your retain all rights to your artwork/ Product and by featuring Protogens you have agreed to the community creation guidelines.
Primagens (Closed sister species to Protogens) do require special permission to use outside of fan-art, as the species has restricted use. (See Primagen Guide/FAQ)
Why are RARE Traits restricted?
RARE traits are restricted as these are features that were not meant to be heavily associated with the species. From a lore standpoint, Protogen were designed to be subservient bi-pedal mammals. The ability to fly would have been a disadvantage for Primogenitors. The other aspect is that these features are also used by many other open/closed species groups, and by limiting the species to a specific set of physical traits the species maintains their aesthetic.
We understand that these features are in demand and sought for, which is why we try to offer a monthly application and selection process to allow people the opportunity to upgrade and obtain RARE protogen.For more information on MYO RARE submission please see our community page.Can I make a 'non-canon' Protogen?
You are free to make a Protogen which does not follow any of the original lore's backstory or universe physics. This Protogen will still need to fit within the species design and rarity system, but does not have to physically function in reality/ ZOR Universe.
Examples of non-canon:
- A Protogen that can remove the chest piece / crotch plating.
- A Protogen that is made out of an inanimate substance. (Jelly, plush, food, elemental, etc..)
- A zombie, undead, or ghost Protogen
- A Protogen shapeshifter/Protogen form. (If you have a shapeshifter character they are allowed to take the form of a Protogen, or a Protogen who is a shapeshifter.)
Rules that still need to be taken into consideration:
- The rarity traits (A non-canon RARE Protogen is not accepted, as this still portraying restricted features)
- To be classed as a Protogen (Canon or non-canon), the design would still require the core features (visor display face, artificial chest & hip region, biological ears and a mix of artificial/Biological limbs).
Only Canon designs can be featured / posted in our official community hubs, please make sure your design fits within our species standards before posting thank you.What if I disagree with the design rules?
The design rules have been structured to make sure that Protogen are identifiable within the open/closed species community like other cyborg characters and species. If you disagree with the design limitations or species rules, please consider if this is the community for you or not.
Is NSFW/18+ artwork and media acceptable?
NSFW/Not safe for work or 18+ artwork and media featuring Protogens is fine.
We do not post any NSFW pieces within our community hubs as they are used by people of all ages, please make sure to only post this content where permitted. (FA/Twitter/Art sites/places that accommodate for adult content.)
What do Protogen's run on? What Power can they use?
Protogens have an active digestive tract which allows them to consume food/Nutrients for energy. The food enters the stomach then processes through an advanced artificial organ which stores the some of the power created from broken energy molecules. This energy is then converted into electricity which powers the artificial parts, and the remaining energy consumed by food is used to support the remaining biological organs and cell production.
While uncommon, Protogens can also use Arcai energy to operate. A Protogen can go many years without food and run solely on electricity, Arcai or other alternative energy sources but is its not recommended as the biological parts will lack the needed nutrients. The Protogen will need to consume proper nutrients to maintain full biological function.Do Protogens dispose of waste / Poop?
Protogen's were designed to be efficient, natural waste removal is a timely process so a vaporization method was implemented to increase productivity. The waste is vaporized internally through a special artificial organ and a residual gas is very sparingly released (to not come out as a noticeable smell). So they do not poop but I guess it could be considered a fart? (This includes all waste types.)
Do Protogens need Sleep?
Protogens do not require sleep but intermittent breaks and restarts allow time for firmware updates. A Protogen can go into a hibernation mode if needed (In case of emergency or inactive use).
Do Protogens smell and taste?
Yes Protogens are able to detect smells through specialised nanites that have smell receptors. These carry the scent information to the brain much like in humans or animals. Protogens are able to taste but are limited on ability to as taste receptors are fewer in number. The ability to taste is half that of a human.
What are Protogen Firmware Updates for?
These digital updates are accessible through the Proto neural net and allow Protogen to download updates for their artificial components. These updates are usually made by Syantika faction to better help the Protogen species and offer as exchangeable trade for their services.
How do Protogen Breathe?
Protogens do require oxygen to survive but can adjust to the levels in the provided environment. Protogen breathe through the visor as nanites carry in oxygen molecules to special receptors located in the back of the throat. The Protogen then inhales this storage of oxygen molecules, the action is similar to a normal breath. If the Protogen is submerged in water, the nanites will close up stopping this molecule delivery system.
Aquatic Protogens posses a gill system which allows them to adapt to this environment.Can a Protogen live in space?
A Protogen cannot survive permanently in the vacuum of space and will need oxygen to provide required nutrients to cell production and function. A Protogen can go out into space without additional protection or gear but it is not recommended as they are not 100% protected from radiation.
Do Protogen contain ferromagnetic (Magnetic) properties?
Yes Protogen do contain magnetic properties. The exact makeup is unknown as the Primogenitors have always been very secretive of their research but from available information they do possess some level of ferromagnetism.
How do Protogens talk / communicate or sound?
Protogens are able to communicate in a multitude of ways. Protogens can either learn certain language dialects (Alien or earth origin) or well as using a variety of clicks, beeps, buzzes and robot jargon. Protogens can also communicate via a telepathic network wired to their species.
Their base dialect and language study does derive from the Primogenitors own language but this only by default.What Kind of equipment / gear can Protogen have?
Protogen can have any kind of gear/equipment or items, there is no limits on what you can add to the armor gear!
Some acceptable examples are:
- Speakers/music devices
- Guns/weapons/lasers
- Small robotic 'helper' arms
- Medical equipment/surgical gear
- Clothes and accessories (Of any sort)
What kind of Vehicles do Protogens use?
Protogens can operate a variety of vehicles including space craft and EVAS. Most of these were built by Primogenitors but some Protogen have crafted their own vehicles.
Can Protogens reproduce?
Protogens are not able to reproduce, the artificial growth and mechanical synchronization renders the species sterile. Arcaite transfer would not be possible via natural birth process and thus the species have been genetically altered to produce no eggs, sperm or growth of internal reproductive organs. External reproductive organs are entirely optional but do not have any reproductive ability.
The concept and design of external reproductive organs is entirely up to the artist/Owner.


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THIS IS AN UNOFFICIAL ARCAI LORE PAGE!SOURCE: - ZOR Discord Server -arcai-lore-pdfs channelARCAI LORE LAST COPIED: 2023-10-11

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The Fundamentals of Arcai

Written by TrapicheEmerald and CoolKoinu and Contributions by

What is Arcai?

Arcai is a necessary energy source that resonates throughout the universe. It exists in all things, both organic and inorganic, serving as a mysterious and potent force. Arcai, much like matter, cannot be created or destroyed; it is a constant presence, an ethereal essence that binds the fabric of reality together.Arcai manifests as a subtle, small particulate energy, often described as shimmering crystals or ethereal dust. It is imperceptible to most beings, yet those attuned to its frequencies can tap into its power and shape it to their will. Those who possess the ability to manipulate Arcai energy are called Cosmic Wielders.Arcai is not limited to a single type or form. It encompasses a wide spectrum of elemental and metaphysical energies, with each individual attuned to a particular aspect or subset of Arcai. These aspects include the classical elements of fire, water, air, earth, light, darkness, ice, and nature, each representing a unique connection to specific forces and phenomena within the universe. As well as other more mystical forces such as mind reading and portal summoning.Cosmic Wielders draw upon their affinity of Arcai, channeling and focusing it to produce magical effects. Through intense concentration, rituals, or even instinctive gestures, they can manipulate the Arcai energy to create firestorms, summon tidal waves, control the winds, shape the earth, illuminate the darkest corners, cloak themselves in shadows, freeze objects solid, or influence the growth of plants.The availability and potency of Arcai energy can vary across different regions or celestial bodies within the setting. Certain areas might be rich in Arcai crystals, which are physical manifestations of highly concentrated Arcai energy. This makes Arcai more accessible and potent in certain areas, while others might be Arcai-deficient, limiting Arcai abilities. This creates a dynamic interplay between Cosmic Wielders, who seek out Arcai-rich environments, and the challenges they face in Arcai-scarce areas.While Arcai itself is a neutral force, its utilization can be driven by the intentions and beliefs of those who wield it. Some individuals might harness Arcai for benevolent purposes, seeking to heal, protect, or bring harmony to the galaxy. Others might employ it for darker means, wielding destructive powers or pursuing personal gain. The moral implications of those with this power, and the responsibility it entails, form important themes within Zenith’s Outer Reach.The study of Arcai is a lifelong pursuit, with Cosmic Wielders delving into ancient tomes, seeking knowledge, and unlocking the secrets of their attuned aspects. They strive to refine their abilities, explore new frontiers of Arcai practices, and uncover the hidden depths of Arcai's potential. The mastery of Arcai is a path of enlightenment, as it leads not only to greater understanding of the universe but also to self-discovery and growth.In ZOR, Arcai serves as an ever-present and enigmatic energy source, a powerful and versatile system. It intertwines seamlessly with futuristic technology and cosmic wonders in the galaxy, offering a harmonious blend of science and mysticism for those who seek to harness its boundless potential.

How do you β€˜use’ Arcai?

In ZOR, the process of tapping into Arcai involves the development and cultivation of a metaphysical nervous system within the beings. While some individuals may be born with a natural affinity for Arcai, others can develop this metaphysical infrastructure through dedicated practice and training. More uncommonly, high exposure to Arcai-rich environments and materials can result in this system being developed as a reaction.At the beginning of their Arcai journey, young beings or novices have limited pathways through which Arcai energy flows within their bodies. These pathways are initially small and underdeveloped, resembling faint tendrils of energy that connect various parts of their physiology. These nascent channels serve as the initial connection points between the individual and the vast Arcai energy that permeates the universe.To strengthen their connection and control over Arcai, beings must engage in rigorous training, treating the metaphysical nervous system like a muscle that requires consistent exercise. Through focused practice, intentional rituals, and dedicated study, Cosmic Wielders gradually expand and fortify their metaphysical pathways. With each session of Arcai manipulation, these conduits grow more tangible and interconnected, gradually forming a complex network throughout their bodies and brains.As the metaphysical nervous system develops, it becomes more integrated and intertwined with the physical nervous system, allowing for more efficient transmission and manipulation of Arcai energy. This process of growth and refinement is highly individual, influenced by factors such as innate talent, discipline, and the guidance of experienced mentors.However, the wielding of Arcai is not without its challenges. The utilization of Arcai energy can be physically taxing for beings. Similar to the buildup of lactic acid in the muscles during intense physical exertion, prolonged and intense Acari powered activities can result in the accumulation of metaphysical byproducts or disruptions in the flow of Arcai energy. This can lead to a state known as Arcosis, where the excess energy manifests as a metaphysical imbalance or strain within the being's body. This has been known to lead to several Arcai related ailments and afflictions with varying severity.To mitigate the adverse effects of Arcosis, Cosmic Wielders must learn to find a delicate balance between exerting their Arcai abilities and managing their energy reserves. This includes recognizing their own limits, pacing their usage of Arcai, and engaging in practices that restore and harmonize their metaphysical and physical energies.Regular and consistent practice is crucial for maintaining control over Arcai. Failing to continually train and hone their skills can lead to diminished control over the energy and weakened Arcai abilities. The metaphysical nervous system, much like a physical muscle, can atrophy or weaken if not exercised regularly, hindering the being's ability to effectively wield Arcai.In summary, the process of tapping into Arcai involves the development and expansion of a metaphysical nervous system within beings. Through dedicated practice, the metaphysical pathways grow and connect, forming a complex network that allows for the transmission and manipulation of Arcai energy. However, continuous and excessive use of Arcai can strain the body, leading to metaphysical imbalances and the need for careful energy management. Consistent training is essential to maintain control over Arcai, as failing to practice can result in diminished abilities and weakened Arcai prowess.

What does it β€˜feel’ like?

When one taps into the essence of Arcai, it is akin to harnessing a powerful energy source that flows through the universe. Just as the body consumes food and converts it into energy, the practitioner draws upon the vast reservoirs of Arcai to fuel their abilities.Using Arcai is like plugging into a cosmic power grid, where the practitioner becomes the conduit through which energy flows. They tap into the intricate network of invisible currents, like a skilled electrician connecting wires to generate and direct the flow of electricity.Imagine the sensation of ingesting a nutritious meal that replenishes your body and fuels your activities. In a similar way, the practitioner absorbs the raw energy of Arcai, which surges through their being, revitalizing and empowering them. It is as if they are sipping from an eternal wellspring, replenishing their reserves and enhancing their capabilities.Just as the body metabolizes food to produce energy, the practitioner's connection to Arcai allows them to convert its raw energy into specific manifestations. It is a process of transmuting the potential energy of Arcai into tangible effects, like an alchemist transforming base metals into precious gold.Using Arcai is akin to operating sophisticated machinery. The practitioner's mind becomes a control panel, where they manipulate the flow and intensity of energy, directing it towards their intended purposes. It is like adjusting the dials and switches of a complex device, fine-tuning the output to achieve the desired effect.As the practitioner taps into Arcai, they experience a surge of energy coursing through their veins, much like the rush of adrenaline in moments of intense physical activity. It is a palpable sensation, a tingling and buzzing that permeates their body, fueling their actions and heightening their senses.The process of using Arcai can be compared to a skilled engineer operating a power plant. The practitioner efficiently channels and regulates the flow of energy, ensuring that it is directed precisely where it is needed. They become adept at managing the distribution and conservation of energy, optimizing its utilization for maximum effectiveness.In moments of heightened connection with Arcai, the practitioner may experience a sense of resonance and alignment, much like a well-tuned machine operating at peak performance. Their actions become fluid and effortless, as if they are tapping into the natural flow of energy within the universe, harmonizing their intentions with the energetic currents around them.It is important to note that while the process of using Arcai can be likened to converting energy, it is still a profound and awe-inspiring experience. The practitioner's connection to Arcai remains a deeply personal and transformative journey, where they become attuned to the fundamental forces that shape the universe.

The FBRCC (Fabric) Model

By Darthandroid

  1. Focus: Focus denotes the wielder's ability to maintain concentration and control over a channeled effect, especially when faced with distractions or while performing other activities. Sustaining an effect beyond an instantaneous burst requires continuous focus throughout its duration. The level of focus required increases with the complexity and control exerted in manipulating the Arcai energy. Adequate focus allows Cosmic Wielders to stay attuned to the energy flow and ensures stability and precision in their Arcai manifestations.

  2. Bandwidth: Bandwidth represents the rate at which Arcai energy is channeled to produce specific effects. It serves as a practical limit on the size and intensity of the effects a wielder can create. Going beyond the limits of bandwidth can result in the depletion and uncontrolled release of Arcai energy or even harm the wielder themselves. Skilled Cosmic Wielders can employ relics or larger Arcai crystals to expand their bandwidth and generate more substantial effects while avoiding the risk of burnout.

  3. Reach: In Arcai magic, reach refers to the area surrounding the wielder from which they can draw Arcai energy and create effects. It is crucial for sustaining larger effects without constant movement and ensures a safe distance when channeling potentially dangerous effects. A greater reach allows Cosmic Wielders to manipulate Arcai energy from a wider space, granting them flexibility and versatility in their Arcai abilities.

  4. Capacity: Capacity refers to the amount of Arcai energy a wielder can hold onto and manipulate while moving or relocating it. Sometimes, Cosmic Wielders need to draw energy from one location within their reach, retain it, and release it as an effect at a different location. Having a sufficient capacity enables wielders to control and transport energy effectively, but it can be dangerous if focus is lost, as the energy may be released uncontrollably with potentially catastrophic consequences.

  5. Control: Control represents the wielder's ability to shape and direct Arcai energy to achieve the desired effect. It involves the precise manipulation and guidance of the energy to manifest specific outcomes. While basic effects may require minimal control, more complex and intricate manipulations demand a higher level of control. Advanced Cosmic Wielders can exhibit fine control, even operating at a molecular level. Adaptability and improvisation are essential for maintaining control, as Arcai energy is constantly in flux during the channeling process.

Practices and Manifestations

Arcai manifests in a variety of ways, each with its own unique abilities and characteristics. These manifestations can be broadly categorized into elemental effects, divination, illusions, telekinesis, healing, portal manipulation, structural manipulation, and gravitational manipulation. Though Arcai manifests in specific ways, similar effects can be replicated across various manifestations despite being in different categories.

  1. Elemental Effects: The most common forms of this Arcai manifestation include Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Light, Shadow, Ice, and Electricity. Individuals with these abilities can manipulate and control their respective elements, generating and controlling elemental phenomena with their Arcai energy. More uncommon forms of elemental Arcai include Sound, Metal, and Astral.

  2. Divination: Arcai can also manifest as divination abilities, allowing individuals to tap into heightened senses and perception. This includes clairvoyance, the ability to gain insight into distant or hidden locations, and foresight, the capacity to glimpse into the future or anticipate events before they occur.

  3. Illusions: Some individuals possess the ability to create realistic illusions using their Arcai. These illusions can be visual, auditory, or even tactile, producing sensory experiences that appear real but are intangible and fade away upon closer inspection.

  4. Telekinesis/Force: Arcai can manifest as a form of telekinesis or force manipulation, granting individuals the ability to move and manipulate objects using their Arcai energy. This power requires a strong connection to Arcai and precise control over the energy flow.

  5. Healing: Healing Arcai enables individuals to channel their Arcai energy to mend physical wounds and cure ailments. This form of Arcai manipulation promotes the body's natural healing processes, accelerating recovery and restoring balance to the individual's well-being.

  6. Portal Manipulation: Some beings possess the ability to manipulate Arcai energy to create portals or engage in limited teleportation. This allows for near-instantaneous travel between different locations, either within short distances or across vast distances depending on the individual's mastery.

  7. Structural Manipulation: Structural Arcai enables individuals to shape and manipulate Arcai energy into solid crystal objects and crystal like structures. This advanced form of Arcai control requires precision and skill, allowing the individual to design crystalline formations or reinforce existing structures using their Arcai energy.

  8. Gravitational Manipulation: Gravitational Arcai represents an extremely rare and advanced form of telekinesis. Those who can master this manifestation have the ability to manipulate gravitational forces, altering the gravitational pull on objects, or even creating localized gravity fields. Mastery over this form of Arcai manipulation requires exceptional control and understanding of the fundamental forces of the universe.

  9. Telepathy: Telepathic Arcai is the practice of using arcai to establish a mental connection between beings, allowing the transmission of thoughts, emotions, and ideas directly from one mind to another. It enables communication beyond spoken language, bypassing physical barriers and facilitating a deep level of understanding and connection.

  10. Technopathy: Technopathic Arcai is the practice of using arcai to interact with and manipulate technology, allowing individuals to communicate telepathically with machines, control their functions, and harness their power. It involves forging a deep connection between the mystical force and the technological realm, granting practitioners the ability to interface with and influence various forms of advanced technology. Technopathy differs from hardwired and wireless technological communications by bypassing certain levels of network security and limitations. Basic β€œhacking” is not commonly practiced by Cosmic Wielders due to its immoral ramifications.

These various forms of Arcai manifestation provide a diverse range of abilities and powers within the ZOR universe, offering individuals unique opportunities for exploration, combat, problem-solving, and personal growth. Each manifestation requires training, practice, and an understanding of the underlying principles of Arcai to fully harness and control its power.

Forbidden Practices

There are forbidden practices of Arcai that are considered morally reprehensible and highly dangerous to both the wielder and those affected by them. These forbidden practices include necromancy, mind control Arcai, blood manipulation/puppetry Arcai, destructive Arcai, and nullification Arcai.

  1. Necromancy: Necromantic Arcai involves using Arcai to raise or control the dead. It is forbidden in the arcai religion because it is seen as an affront to the natural order of life and death. Typically the more entities a necromancer tries to control the harder and more dangerous it becomes for them. Even the most adept necromancers can barely control over a dozen corpses at a time.1 The thralls that necromancers can make are not permanent either since the rate of decay still impacts deceased beings. Necromancers essentially are funneling Arcai into deceased creature(s) to mimic brain functionality. This functionality it limited to basic and stunted movement, or completing simple tasks, as it requires too much Arcai energy to create complacticated animations.

  2. Mind Control Arcai: Mind Control Arcai is the manipulation of Arcai energy to forcefully control or influence the thoughts, emotions, and actions of others. It involves intruding upon the mental boundaries and autonomy of individuals, overriding their free will and subjecting them to the control of the Arcai wielder. This practice is widely condemned due to its violation of personal freedom and ethical boundaries. Neural technology that uses Arcaites is NOT a manifestation of mind control Arcai, as it is a physically synthesized material rather than a manipulation of the Arcai field.

  3. Blood Manipulation/Puppetry Arcai: Blood manipulation/puppetry Arcai involves the manipulation of Arcai energy to control the blood of oneself or others. This can be used to create objects out of one’s blood such as blades or projectiles though this is considered extremely dangerous as the blood cannot be stored back within the body once it is exposed. It can be used to manipulate or puppeteer the movements and actions of individuals, effectively turning them into marionettes under the control of the Arcai user. This practice is highly dangerous as it involves direct interference with the physiological functions of living beings, often resulting in severe harm or even death.

  4. Destructive Arcai: Destructive Arcai focuses on harnessing Arcai energy to bring about the molecular destruction of physical objects or entities. It involves physically breaking down the atomic and molecular structures of matter, resulting in full matter disintegration and the dismantling of atoms. The use of destructive Arcai is not only morally objectionable due to its potential for widespread harm, but it also poses significant risks to the Arcai wielder themselves, as the uncontrolled release of such destructive energy can have catastrophic repercussions. Note: Zombie characters are still non-canon. Necromantic thralls are considered tools or golems in this instance and typically do not last long enough due to natural decay.

  5. Nullification Arcai: Nullification Arcai revolves around the manipulation of Arcai energy to neutralize or nullify the powers, abilities, or Arcai manifestations of others. It is a form of anti-Arcai manipulation that aims to render individuals powerless, stripping them of their Arcai-based capabilities. This practice is highly dangerous as it can lead to imbalances in the delicate flow and equilibrium of Arcai energy within individuals, potentially causing severe damage to their Arcai pathways and overall well-being.

These forbidden practices are widely condemned and often outlawed within the societies of Zenith’s Outer Reach due to their inherent ethical implications and the severe risks they pose to individuals and the overall balance of power. The manipulation of Arcai energy in such destructive or coercive ways goes against the fundamental principles of respect, consent, and the sanctity of life. Individuals who engage in these forbidden practices are often considered outcasts, facing social stigma and potential legal consequences for their actions.

Mastery of Multiple Techniques

In the realm of Arcai users, it is common for individuals to focus their efforts on mastering a single type of Arcai manifestation, typically the one that comes most naturally to them. However, while it is not impossible to learn multiple forms of Arcai, it is a highly challenging and time-consuming endeavor.Similar to learning different subjects in academic disciplines, individuals tend to have an inherent inclination or predisposition towards certain types of Arcai manifestations. This inclination is influenced by their unique abilities, characteristics, and personal affinities. As such, they are naturally drawn towards developing mastery in one or two specific types of Arcai.Attempting to learn additional types of Arcai requires significant effort and dedication, often necessitating the temporary suspension of studying other Arcai skills. Each type of manifestation exercises different aspects of an individual's control over Arcai energy, requiring distinct techniques, focus, and understanding. As a result, the process of learning multiple types of Arcai is a complex and time-intensive journey. Mastering a single Arcai practice alone can take individuals decades of rigorous training and study. On top of the mental strain, the limited pathways that initially circulate Arcai energy in their bodies may not be capable of handling the increased physical demands and complexities associated with multiple practices.In fact, most individuals cannot even consider embarking on the journey of mastering a second type of Arcai until they have reached a more advanced stage in their primary practice. This is because their Arcai pathways need to expand and strengthen over time to accommodate the additional strain. The physical and mental toll of attempting to master multiple practices simultaneously can be overwhelming and detrimental to one's well-being.Throughout history, only a few recorded instances exist of beings who have mastered more than four or five different Arcai practices. These exceptional individuals dedicated centuries to their studies, sacrificing immense time, effort, and energy. However, even they faced significant challenges. The intense physical and mental stress associated with juggling multiple Arcai practices led these individuals to seek out Arcai-rich environments to continue their studies and ability of Arcai use. Those who could not handle the stress of multiple practices or were not able to find higher concentrations of Arcai energy wound up with a weakened connection to their Arcai abilities.In summary, the path of mastering multiple Arcai practices is arduous and rare. It requires immense dedication, time, and sacrifice, with most individuals choosing to specialize in one or two forms of Arcai manifestation. The limitations of the Arcai pathways within the body and the physical and mental strain involved make it a formidable undertaking, only pursued by a select few throughout the ages.

The Restrictions and Limitations

Within the realm of Arcai, there are indeed certain limitations and practices that are deemed impossible to achieve, regardless of the time, effort, and technological advancements invested. These limitations serve to establish the boundaries and inherent nature of Arcai itself. The following are practices that have been extensively explored but have been deemed unattainable:

  1. Resurrection and Communication with the Dead: While healing Arcai can save a being from the brink of death and mend physical wounds, it is incapable of reversing death itself. Arcai cannot be harnessed to bring back beings from beyond death or establish communication with the deceased. The cycle of life and death remains beyond the scope of Arcai's influence.

  2. Time Manipulation and Extra-Dimensional Spaces: Arcai lacks the capacity to manipulate time or traverse extra-dimensional spaces. Time is not a force that can be controlled or altered through Arcai manipulation. Similarly, the nature of Arcai restricts access to higher, non-Euclidean spaces that exist beyond the standard dimensions. Arcai practitioners cannot employ Arcai to control time or venture into otherworldly dimensions.2 This includes pocket dimensions.

  3. Interdimensional Travel: Arcai does not possess the ability to traverse between dimensions or parallel universes. The limitations of Arcai confine its influence to the current reality and prevent beings from utilizing Arcai to travel between alternate dimensions. The fabric of Arcai and its connection to Zenith’s Outer Reach prohibit such forms of interdimensional travel.

It is important to note that extensive research, experimentation, and exploration have been conducted in attempts to achieve these theoretical practices. However, despite the investment of resources and knowledge, the outcomes have consistently proven disastrous or unsuccessful. The nature of Arcai sets definite boundaries on what can be achieved, and these limitations cannot be overcome, regardless of the efforts exerted.It is within these limitations that the understanding and mastery of Arcai unfold, and practitioners must focus their studies and abilities on the feasible manifestations and practices that Arcai can facilitate.For more details. Examples of what each manifestation can do are included on the Mechanics Document.

Rare Proto-Prima Master List

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Embeded directly from the official Primagen Master List. Simply scroll down inside the box view.

Sizing / Colossal Protogens / Micro Protogens

Protogens do have a species standard height and weight, which can be found in the example below. For extremely unusual sizes of Protogens, we do have a RARE trait. The trait allows you to canonically have any desired size outside of the species standards, as well as an official title added to your RARE listing. To obtain the 'Colossal' or 'Microgen' title you will require to apply for this trait via the RARE update / owners form found on our community page!

RARE TRAITS - Official Colossal / Micro-gen Title (For RARE Protogens)